
My Experience Exploring Dalian, China

Sal Sal Follow Jan 13, 2024 · 4 mins read
My Experience Exploring Dalian, China
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The Beautiful Scenery and Active Nightlife

The city is nestled along the coastline and has scenic spots everywhere you look. Labor Park is a large green space perfect for walks. I enjoyed strolling through the wooded paths in isolation and checking out the miniature zoo. Dalian’s beauty is also highlighted at People’s Square, where dancing fountains and musical water shows provide entertainment in the evenings. Xinghai Square with its breathtaking views of the harbor is also worth visiting to admire the scenery. At night, the plaza behind the train station transforms into an active dance floor perfect for partner dances like hustle, tango, and west coast swing. With so many beautiful areas and a vibrant nightlife scene, it’s no wonder Dalian leaves such a good impression.

Russian and Japanese Influences

The city has a nuanced cultural blend due to Russian and Japanese involvement in its history. Russian Street near the train station shows remnants of Dalian’s time as the Russian city of Dairen. Along the cobbled street, you can find Russian-style architecture interspersed with shops selling Russian food, knickknacks, and other goods. There was also significant noticeable Japanese signage and influence, reflective of the numerous Japanese companies with offices in the city. This diverse cultural mix gives Dalian an international flavor compared to other Chinese locales.

Local Seafood and Unique Museums

Seafood is a specialty in Dalian thanks to its coastal location. Be sure to ask locals for their top seafood restaurant recommendations, as the best places tend to change frequently. History and science enthusiasts will appreciate unique sites like the Shell Museum near Xinghai Park, which houses an impressive collection of seashells and information about the sea creatures they once housed. Whether feasting on fresh catches or broadening perspectives at specialized museums, Dalian offers delicious local flavors and intellectual stimulation.

Day Trips to Scenic Spots

Nature lovers will want to spend a day exploring sights outside the city center. Bingyu Valley Scenic Area bills itself as “little Guilin” though the comparison is modest—it remains a pleasant wooded area with gorges and a small river nonetheless. During cherry blossom season, pick-your-own cherry farms are a must-visit to sample Dalian’s sweet fruit. And for those with children or a sense of adventure, Tiger Beach offers an aquarium, amusement rides, and the opportunity to board an old Chinese Navy ship. Day trips provide enjoyable breaks from the urban explorations within Dalian proper.

Counterpoint to Other Chinese Cities

While Dalian lacks standout attractions, it offers respite from bigger and more crowded Chinese metros. With its emphasis on the coast and blending of cultural influences, the city has a more laidback atmosphere than inland towns. As one visitor noted, Dalian is most interesting as a “counterpoint to other Chinese cities.” Its relaxed vibe, abundance of greenery, and access to the sea make it a pleasant destination compared to other options. Whether visiting sights within Dalian or using it as a homebase for day trips, travelers will appreciate its balance of urban amenities and natural beauty.

Impressions of Contemporary Dalian

Modern Dalian comes with big-city conveniences like massive shopping malls under Olympic Square filled with electronics. However, the older southern part of town feels more authentic. Strolling Huanghe Road near Liaoning University, you’ll find lively street food stalls at night, perfect for sampling local snacks. The northern Jinzhou district, while convenient, lacks the character of the original settlement. An intriguing structure like the castle-like building attracts photo ops for couples. And with a knowledgeable local guide, we enjoyed fine dining at upscale Chinese banquet-style restaurants, though simpler pleasures like dumpling joints sufficed. Contemporary Dalian blends old and new in balanced, enjoyable ways.

In Summary

Dalian emerges as a gem among Chinese cities, balancing natural attractions, histories, and modern comforts. Its cultural influences, vibrant nightlife, access to beaches and outdoor areas, quality seafood, and overall relaxed atmosphere give it an appeal matching or exceeding larger destinations. Whether using Dalian as a home base for touring the region or fully immersing in its unique charms, visitors will find the city well worth exploring. With beautiful scenery, intriguing sites, and a positive energy, Dalian makes an impact that lingers long after departing. Its blend of elements comes together to create an experience surpassing expectations for those open to discovering lesser-known destinations off the beaten path.

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