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My Childhood Memories of Mymensingh Town and Village

Sal Sal Follow Jan 11, 2024 · 4 mins read
My Childhood Memories of Mymensingh Town and Village
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Rediscovering My Roots

I was born in the town of Mymensingh, located in northern Bangladesh, over 40 years ago. As a child, Mymensingh held a special place in my heart as it was filled with wonderful memories. Recently, I had the opportunity to return to Mymensingh with my family to rediscover where I came from. Visiting the places from my childhood ignited nostalgia and unearthed long-buried recollections.
While Mymensingh town had transformed significantly over the decades, expanding rapidly due to population growth and urbanization, certain aspects remained unchanged. People still conversed in a friendly, peaceful manner on the streets. Street food vendors attracted crowds as the tantalizing scents filled the air. Nearby districts continued to rely on Mymensingh’s hospitals and facilities for critical needs. Seeing familiar scenes delighted me while modern additions like new highways impressed my family. Overall, Mymensingh had progressed tremendously but retained its quintessential character.

A Childhood Home Left Behind

We then searched for my family’s old residence in Mymensingh town. With difficulty, I identified the large house from my younger days which was now a diabetes center. Disappointingly, we could not enter to see inside. Next, we journeyed to my birth village of Bhabokhali, located only 8 kilometers from Mymensingh town near the Brahmaputra River. Amazingly, parts of the village house where my grandparents and uncles lived still stood intact despite 57 years passing. Meeting distant relatives living there today filled me with joy and a sense of belonging.

A River Running Dry

One major change shocked me deeply - the Brahmaputra River beside my village, full of water in my memories, had almost entirely dried up. I had not anticipated such a disheartening sight. The river played a significant role in village life and my childhood recollections involved riverbank activities. Seeing it so parched dredged up complicated emotions. I realized how climate change and other environmental pressures had severely impacted the region. Witnessing the river’s decline stirred profound sadness within me and my family members consoled me in my tears. The river’s current state underscored harsh realities about environmental degradation.

Treasured Moments in School

During my time growing up in Mymensingh, I attended two notable schools which held fond recollections. From ages 6 to 8, I was a pupil at Radhasundori Girls’ School, located centrally in Mymensingh town. I remember the red-brick building and playing regularly with friends in its courtyard. Later, I transferred to Mrityunjoy School opposite Radhasundori School where my maternal uncles studied. More vivid school recollections involved lunchtime gatherings, competitions and caring teachers who imparted values and knowledge. Revisiting these historic educational institutions stirred nostalgia and pride in being part of their rich legacies.

A Thriving Educational Hub

Mymensingh established several ‘firsts’ in Bangladesh, cementing its reputation as an educational pioneer. It was rewarding to see these institutions thriving today. We toured the expansive campus of Bangladesh Agricultural University, founded in 1961 as the nation’s premier farm degrees provider. Nearby stood the prestigious Mymensingh Girls Cadet College, established in 1994 as Bangladesh’s first female cadet institute. Both have proudly trained countless future leaders through quality teaching. Witnessing their impressive growth and influence reaffirmed Mymensingh’s steadfast commitment to molding minds and driving progress across sectors.

Bountiful Natural Beauty

Our travels uncovered Mymensingh’s magnificent natural attractions adding to its allure. We visited the picturesque Tanguar Haor, part of the largest wetland in Bangladesh and habitat for diverse flora and fauna. Boating on its azure waters amid greenery refreshed our souls. We also hiked through the scenic Madhupur Sal Forest, home to rare plants and Bengal tigers. Its dense woodlands whisked me back to childhood nature exploration. Mymensingh’s idyllic countryside, dotted with hills, marshes and foliage, beautifully complement modern developments in the district. Its bountiful natural offerings strengthen Mymensingh’s standing as a prime outdoor destination.

Treasured Connections Rekindled

Revisiting cherished spots from my early days in Mymensingh reestablished profound bonds to my history. Interacting with kindly villagers and distant kin reinforced a deep-rooted sense of community. Witnessing Mymensingh’s impressive advances while retaining its heartwarming essence filling me with hometown pride. Sharing nostalgic tales with interested family deepened our mutual understanding. Bidding farewell to Mymensingh, I felt immensely grateful for the opportunity to rediscover its significance in shaping my identity. Its influence will always remain etched in my soul. Most importantly, Mymensingh reminded me of the importance of cherishing one’s roots. My Childhood Memories of Mymensingh Town and Village

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