
Travelling Experiences in China

Sal Sal Follow Jan 02, 2024 · 3 mins read
Travelling Experiences in China
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A Modern and High Cost of Living Shanghai

My first visit to Shanghai in 1998 left quite an impression. As a young traveler from Europe, I was astonished by how modern and developed the city appeared. Skyscrapers towered over narrow streets packed with people and traffic. It seemed almost futuristic compared to my hometown. However, the high cost of living in Shanghai surprised me. Accommodations, food and basic goods were much pricier than I expected. As a student on a tight budget, Shanghai tested my frugal traveling skills.

Friendly Locals and Cultural Differences in Beijing

In Beijing, I noticed significant cultural contrasts compared to Europe. The Chinese were often louder in public and had different standards of personal space. Queues were nonexistent on crowded streets. At first, these behaviors disturbed me as an outsider accustomed to more reserved social norms. However, spending time among locals, I realized this was simply how Chinese culture functioned differently rather than bad manners. Most Beijing residents I encountered were friendly, patient and eager to offer help despite the language barrier. Over time, I grew to appreciate these cultural differences rather than judge them.

Rural Hospitality in Chengdu

Traveling from the massive cities to rural Sichuan province, I experienced genuine Chinese hospitality in Chengdu. Staying with a local family in the countryside, I gained insights into their generous yet modest lifestyle. Food was always freshly cooked and shared without question among all inhabitants of the home. Villagers went out of their way to make me feel welcome, despite our inability to properly converse. Their kindness strengthened my belief that humanity’s goodwill transcends cultural divides when strangers open their hearts to one another.

Natural Splendor in Zhangjiajie

What amazed me most about Zhangjiajie was its spectacular natural beauty so beautifully captured in the film Avatar. Jagged quartzite sandstone peaks loomed like alien forests emerging from verdant valleys. Hiking among the pinnacles offered incredible vistas, a reminder that nature’s grandeur often dwarfs anything humans construct. During my trek through “Avatar Hallelujah Mountain”, I felt humbled by this landscape seemingly carved by divine hands rather than earthly forces. Its natural splendor left me in awe of Zhangjiajie’s ability to inspire imagination and wonder in visitors from lands far beyond China.

An Eye-Opening Experience in Shenzhen

Shenzhen stood as a testament to China’s rapid modernization during my visit. From a small fishing village to one of the world’s largest cities almost overnight, its evolution shocked and fascinated me. Skylines of glimmering skyscrapers grew taller by the year, transforming the landscape. This ever-changing metropolis embodied China’s ambitious strides towards global economic prominence. However, the breakneck pace of development also brought issues like pollution and unplanned urban sprawl. Walking Shenzhen’s crowded streets, I sensed immense ambition but also glimpses of the human costs to achieve such radical change at such breathtaking speed. It left me with mixed feelings about “progress” and its wider implications.

Cultural Exchange in Xi’an

My time living and studying in Xi’an proved one of my most enriching cultural exchanges. As an intern at a local polytechnic, I immersed myself in Mandarin classes and campus life and strove to understand students beyond superficialities. Daily interactions fostered friendships and nuanced perspectives transcending stereotypes. Whether enjoying street food stalls after class or trips to Terracotta Army sites, I appreciated chances to experience life as the locals did. While occasional culture shocks occurred, students’ generosity in sharing their culture moved me profoundly. My time in Xi’an reinforced my belief in the power of open-mindedness and human connections to overcome divisions and forge understanding between all people. Travelling Experiences in China

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