
The Battle of Mogadishu: A breakdown of the events and decisions that led to the failed Raid

Sal Sal Follow Dec 31, 2023 · 3 mins read
The Battle of Mogadishu: A breakdown of the events and decisions that led to the failed Raid
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The Mission

The mission of Task Force Ranger and Delta Force was a “snatch and grab” operation to capture two high-value targets within the militia group Al-Shabaab. Their previous missions at night had been successful in bringing targets into custody quickly and avoiding prolonged firefights. This daylight raid was necessary because rare intel indicated the targets would be meeting together. Speed was critical to surprise the militia before they could mount a defense.

Previous Success Led to Overconfidence

With years of special operations experience defeating enemies from Iraq to the Soviet Union, the Rangers were accustomed to victory. During half a dozen prior raids in Mogadishu, they had efficiently detained targets without serious resistance. This bred overconfidence in their ability to safely conduct missions under any conditions. The commanders underestimated the added risks of a daylight raid so close to the militia stronghold.

Khat-Fueled Response Times Were Shortened

Unlike sleepng militias from night raids, these fighters were awake and under the influence of the stimulant khat. This shortened reaction times , allowing them to mobilize defenses within minutes of the Blackhawks touching down. The Rangers had no way of knowing khat use would eliminate the delay between an alarm being raised and an armed response arriving. This was a critical factor dooming the mission from the outset.

Lack of Heavy Support Vulnerable to Ambush

Without prep time, the raid relied on Blackhawks and Little Birds for firepower instead of dedicated attack helicopters. While suitable for fast insertion and extract, these light aircraft were vulnerable if trapped on the ground. When two Blackhawks went down, rescue efforts tied up air assets as militias swarmed in. AC-130 gunships or armored vehicles may have deterred the massive ambush that followed.

Overconfidence in Skills Led to Risky Tactics

Success had made Task Force Rangers feel invincible against any enemy. The commanders believed special operations expertise could overcome risks like timing, lack of intelligence on khat, and light firepower. This overconfidence caused them to green-light a raid with little margin for anything going wrong. When complications arose, they had no contingency to fall back on.

Civilian Deaths Stoked Local Anger

In the ferocious fighting that engulfed the city, many civilians were killed either directly or in crossfire. This enraged the local population and strengthened support for the militias against the foreign forces. What could have been seen as a precision operation was now a deadly battle in the heart of Mogadishu. Local sympathy shifted from a lawless militia to defenders of Somalia from invaders.

No Equipment for Prolonged Urban Combat

As fighting dragged into nightfall against thousands of energized militiamen, the Rangers’ limited supplies became a grave vulnerability. They lacked fuel, munitions, and armor suited for the drawn-out urban firefight the mission had deteriorated into. Rangers were not equipped or trained for this kind of warfare, yet were trapped in a brutal low-intensity conflict far from extraction. Exhaustion and shortages steadily eroded their survival chances.

Coordinated Withdrawal Saved Many Lives

In the tense hours extracting under fire, cool leadership and teamwork were the only things that prevented a total defeat. Despite losses, commanders maintained control and disciplined retreat. Rangers and Delta Force covered each other fall back while suppressing ambushes. Coordinated fire eventually allowed survivors to be airlifted from the field, albeit leaving equipment and fallen comrades behind. While a failure, it could have been a total massacre without this organization.

The Battle of Mogadishu: A failed raid due to underestimating enemy and overconfidence in abilities

The Battle of Mogadishu: A breakdown of the events and decisions that led to the failed Raid

Written by Sal Follow
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