
Long Train Journeys in China: Exploration, Experiences and Unexpected Adventures

Sal Sal Follow Dec 29, 2023 · 2 mins read
Long Train Journeys in China: Exploration, Experiences and Unexpected Adventures
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Connecting With Strangers

Traveling on long-distance trains in China offers a unique opportunity to connect with strangers from all walks of life. Whether sitting uncomfortably on an overnight journey as a child or chatting with new friends on a multi-day trip, the experience shapes memories and perspectives. Train travel exposes passengers to different regions, cultures and conversations with fellow travelers.

Childhood Memories on the Rails

As a young child accompanying parents on business, early train journeys stuck with me. Everything outside the window fascinated for hours, immersing in the scenery of changing landscapes. Even at night, my imagination pictured the outside. Train travel felt like an epic movie watching experience, with food and drinks readily available. Small kindnesses, like chicken shared by a gentleman, warm such distant recollections. Years later, boarding trains sparked vivid recollections of those carefree times.

Uncomfortable Awakenings

My first independent long-distance train at 18 proved a rude awakening. Overcrowded carriages, dreary conditions and endless boredom made 16 hours drag, and sleep proved elusive. Exhausted upon arrival, I vowed never to travel by train again. However, that difficult journey planted seeds that would later blossom into a new appreciation for the uniqueness of train travel.

Exploring China by Rail

After graduating university, a solo backpacking trip across China relied heavily on trains. Booking only normal seats and hostels, I braved over 10 train rides including a daunting 45-hour journey. Initial worries faded amid conversations that opened new perspectives and brought lasting friendships. Freed from isolation and preconceptions, I gained deeper understandings by chatting with fellow passengers. Train travel sparked a passion for connecting with others that continues shaping my life experiences.

Seeking Space to Rest

While normal seats offer rich social interactions, long journeys test one’s ability to rest. Trading seats near windows provided short breaks, but negotiating accommodations grew tiring. Still, the social bonds and cultural discoveries fueled my enthusiasm for rail travel above private sleeper berths. Finding innovative ways to briefly rest, like using bags as pillows, made uncomfortable stretches endurable.

Standing Through Challenges

Booking last-minute standing room tickets posed an unforgettable trial. By chatting with seated passengers and later finding space near toilets, the 30-hour ordeal brought smiles despite constant interruptions. Playing cards down narrow aisles with fellow standers forged instant camaraderie. Faced with significant obstacles, one learns to appreciate any rest and the lively social aspects that make each long journey unique.

Returning Home by Rail

As an adult, I typically take >24h trains several times per year returning from Beijing to see family. Last year’s 34-hour trip offered splendid scenery and conversation. Sitting comfortably while viewing plains, mountains and deserts punctuated the countryside unfolding for over 1000 miles – a journey surpassing the Great Wall in length. Train travel through China constantly surprises and delights, whether meeting new friends or rediscovering childhood wonder at the changing landscape outside windows. Despite challenges, the social and cultural rewards ensure many more rail adventures ahead. Long Train Journeys in China: Exploration, Experiences and Unexpected Adventures

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