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Living in Houston: Safety, Community and Opportunity

Sal Sal Follow Dec 24, 2023 · 3 mins read
Living in Houston: Safety, Community and Opportunity
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A Lifelong Houstonian’s Perspective

Growing up and raising a family in Houston, I’ve always felt safe and supported within my community. While some perceive the city to bring dangers, my everyday experience tells a much different story.

Finding Peace in the Ordinary

I’ve lived in the same neighborhood for nearly 50 years, other than my time serving our country. Not once have I, my family or extended family been victims of a violent crime like a shooting, mugging or burglary. Day to day, I go about my routine without any fear of harm or concern for safety. Many in my community, like myself, are licensed to carry a concealed handgun for self-defense. However, like others, I rarely feel the need to do so.

Understanding the Whole Picture

It’s easy to get an ** skewed sense of danger** from excessive news coverage focusing on isolated incidents. In reality, the peaceful, orderly world I experience is the norm. While there are a few areas to avoid at night, the vast majority of Houston provides a safe, supportive community for work and life. With over 1,700 square miles across the city, residents have plenty of quiet, family-friendly neighborhoods to choose from.

Finding Opportunity Where You’re Planted

My daughter and grandson both chose to remain in our neighborhood, investing in the community where they were raised. My daughter now teaches special education at the elementary school she once attended as a child. My grandson followed in her footsteps, becoming a P.E. teacher at the same school. Meanwhile my granddaughter attends the University of Houston daily, feeling content to return home afterwards to relax.

Growth Through Community Roots

None of the younger generation have felt compelled to leave, believing in putting down roots where you’re planted. Through hard work and determination, all have found ways to better themselves while also giving back to the community and school providing their start. Their decisions emphasize that opportunity exists in building each other up from within established neighborhoods.

Wandering Off the Beaten Path

Of course, some areas warrant more caution than others. Frequentering bars in rougher parts of town late at night seeking trouble is a choice unlikely to end well. However, the average Houston resident avoids such scenarios and stays out of harm’s way. Even wandering less traveled streets alone after dark, I’ve never encountered any issues in my neighborhood due to maintaining awareness.

Tranquility Beyond the Hype

After serving overseas, I’ve come to appreciate peaceful, mundane places far from danger or excitement. While news fixates on worse case scenarios, the reality is millions call Houston home, pursuing prosperity without enduring daily threats of violence. Sure, risks exist anywhere when disregarding common sense. Overall though, Houston offers affordable living, friendly faces and a variety of quiet, affluent neighborhoods for comfortably raising a family.

Invitation to Experience Community

For those open-minded enough, I encourage visiting Houston to experience its heart for yourself, beyond one-dimensional headlines. Millions have settled here, finding safety, opportunity and community. If you value diligent work without unwarranted worries, are willing to respect cultural differences and keep a level head, our diverse city may surprise with its warmth. Ultimately, anywhere you go, what you make of it lies within your control. Living in Houston: Safety, Community and Opportunity

Written by Sal Follow
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