
Traveling to India While on Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Sal Sal Follow Dec 23, 2023 · 4 mins read
Traveling to India While on Optional Practical Training (OPT)
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Preparing Your Travel

Traveling abroad while on OPT does require some preparation to maintain your legal status in the United States. Here are a few things you should do before traveling to India: Make sure your OPT is valid and you have a valid Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card. OPT allows you to work in the US for up to 90 days beyond graduation, but your EAD must be active during any international travel. Get a travel signature on your I-20 form from your international student office. This proves your student status is valid and you have school permission for occasional travel outside the US. Apply for an Indian visa from the consulate in your area. Indian visa requirements depend on your nationality and purpose of visit. Apply well in advance to avoid delays or complications with your travel plans. Save up enough funds for your India trip expenses. Do not rely on employment or financial aid while abroad as OPT work authorization only applies in the US. Carry ample cash, cards, and travel insurance. Inform your international student office of your travel dates and keep in touch regarding any OPT application or status changes during your absence from the US. Documentary proof of your intent to return may be needed upon re-entry.

Cultural Adjustment in India

Traveling to an entirely different country like India requires adapting to new cultural and social norms. Here are some tips for smooth adjustment: Respect local customs, traditions and religious sites. Dress and behave modestly, especially as a foreign woman traveler. Avoid public displays of affection or discussions about sensitive topics. Use simple Hindi greetings like “Namaste”, “Shukriya” and “Please”/”Thank You” phrases to engage politely with locals. A few words of the local language go a long way in gaining people’s goodwill and assistance. Bargain assertively at markets but avoid aggressive haggling that may cause offense. Vendors are just trying to earn a livelihood and may appreciate polite conversation more than confrontation over prices. Become familiar with commonly used Indian dishes to order comfortably from street food carts and restaurants without perplexing servers. Stick to well-cooked and hygienically prepared meals to avoid illness. Maintain a positive, flexible attitude when faced with inconveniences, delays or unfamiliar situations. Cultural nuances, varied infrastructure and large population sizes mean patience is key in India. Smiling through difficulties eases tensions.

Travel Safety and Health Concerns

Traveling to India safely requires awareness and preparedness regarding common risks and emergencies: Carry valid travel insurance and keep emergency contact numbers handy for medical or security assistance. India has advanced private hospitals in cities but rural facilities are basic. Stay hydrated, cover exposed skin and use repellent to prevent insect bites transmitting diseases like malaria, dengue or chikungunya. Vaccinate according to areas being visited. Use licensed taxis or rideshares after verifying driver details instead of hitchhiking with strangers. Avoid deserted streets alone especially at night and photograph vehicle license plates discreetly on long journeys. Beware of organized gangs or lone thieves targeting tourists. Secure documents, gadgets and cash well out of public view. Avoid lavish displays of wealth or valuables that attract unwanted attention. Establish temporary Indian mobile numbers through apps to keep in touch locally cheaply. Pre-loaded international roaming or eSIM options work but are costlier than local numbers.

Making the Most of Your India Trip

With proper arrangements and safety precautions, you can truly enjoy your OPT authorized visit to incredible India: Explore varied heritage sites, monuments, palaces and forts across regions reflecting India’s rich history and diversity spanning millennia. Marvel at architectural wonders like the Taj Mahal and Khajuraho temples. Experience serene natural beauty at famous hill stations, beaches and backwaters. Relax in Srinagar’s Dal Lake surroundings, join yoga retreats at Rishikesh on the Ganges or bask on Goa’s golden sands. Indulge taste buds with mouthwatering regional cuisines beyond ubiquitous curries. Savor Kashmiri wazwan feasts, Kolkata’s streetside kathi rolls and Hyderabad’s biryani among many authentic flavors. Partake in vibrant festivals, arts and performing traditions. Get up close to iconic celebrations like Diwali, Holi, Onam or witness acclaimed dance forms and live music events reflecting cultural vibrancy. Travel smart, connect authentically with local communities and create cherished memories of India’s glorious diversity to last beyond your OPT program. With vigilance and enriched perspectives, your visit promises deep cultural immersion. Traveling to India While on Optional Practical Training (OPT)

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