
Teaching English in China: An Unforgettable Journey

Sal Sal Follow Dec 21, 2023 · 3 mins read
Teaching English in China: An Unforgettable Journey
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Rediscovering My Passion for Teaching

When I retired from my career as a teacher in Canada, I wanted to find a new adventure that would allow me to stay active and contribute to society in a meaningful way. That’s when I discovered the opportunity to teach English in China. Having always been fascinated by Chinese culture, it seemed like the perfect fit. Now, two years into my position at a private school in Nanjing, I can say with confidence it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Every day brings new experiences that fuel my passion for intercultural learning and personal growth.

Immersing Myself in a Rich Culture

Nothing could have prepared me for the novel aspects of living in China. From the climate and diverse cuisine, to the bustling streets and intricate artwork, this country continues to surprise and inspire me. While it can be easy to stay within expat circles, seeking relationships with locals has proven most rewarding. My Mandarin skills are basic, but fellow teachers and new Chinese friends provide a welcoming community. Events like joining a local church or soccer team offer authentic opportunities for cultural exchange. Each discovery, from places of natural beauty to traditions old and new, adds color to this remarkable country.

Life in China presents surprises both joyous and mundane. Finding one’s way in dense cities or rural towns without maps can lead to amusing mishaps. Public facilities take adjustment given cultural norms. However, problems seem minor when met with generous help from passersby. China’s safe environment encourages exploration on foot or by ubiquitous shared bikes. While pollution in large centers poses risks, an open spirit helps embrace each new layer of this diverse society. Small irritations fade against rich rewards of forging bonds across borders through respect and understanding.

Connecting with Students through Creativity

What brings the most fulfillment is interacting with eager young minds. School environments vary in resources but consistently foster students’ passion for learning English through music, art, and stories. Adapting Western lessons to Chinese contexts calls on flexibility and humor. Building rapport depends on empathy, patience and, when possible, basic Mandarin. Watching once shy students gain confidence strengthens my belief in education’s power to transform lives and communities. Challenging preconceptions through open dialogue empowers students to see diversity as a strength.

Finding Balance in Daily Chinese Life

Daily routines require balance of independence and guidance. Familiarizing myself with public transport, maps, and payment systems granted autonomy but also loneliness until friendships formed. Social norms limit certain behaviors for outsiders yet communities prove accepting. Maintaining health demands care, like buying purified water. Financial matters like banking setup streamlined living affordably.Apps like WeChat granted access to services while lessening language barriers. With forewarned adjustments and positive attitude, newcomers can feel at home.

Embracing Unexpected Rewards

No expectations fully prepared me for gifts this journey imparted. Students’ success warms my heart but greater surprises came from relationships cross racial, religious and cultural lines. Shared laughter and understanding diminished differences. Simple acts like joining gatherings or tutoring beyond work brought deep joy. Witnessing diligent locals inspired my work ethic. Through openness, humility and willingness to give back with goodwill came rewards beyond material means. Two years flew by yet life lessons will stay with me forever. To anyone seeking adventure, growth and to make a difference, I urge giving teaching in China a chance. Teaching English in China: An Unforgettable Journey

Written by Sal Follow
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