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Is Eating Parle G Biscuits Daily Harmful? A Detailed Analysis

Sal Sal Follow Dec 07, 2023 · 3 mins read
Is Eating Parle G Biscuits Daily Harmful? A Detailed Analysis
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Benefits of Parle G Biscuits Under Financial Constraints

For four years, a person only had Parle G biscuits with milk or water at lunch and dinner due to financial constraints. However, this did not cause any harm to their health. Parle G biscuits were the best and most affordable food option available under those circumstances. While not the most nutritious choice, biscuits provided necessary calories and carbohydrates to get by when money was scarce. In difficult financial times, Parle G biscuits served as a reliable and inexpensive source of sustenance with no apparent ill effects on health.

Nutritional Value and Calories in Parle G Biscuits

A single pack of Parle G biscuits contains a significant amount of calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Specifically, 100 grams of Parle G biscuits has around 78 grams of carbohydrates, 12 grams of fat and 6.5 grams of protein. With such a high carbohydrate and calorie content, overeating Parle G biscuits on a daily basis can easily lead to weight gain over time. The carbohydrates in Parle G biscuits are absorbed and metabolized quickly, causing a spike in blood sugar levels. Frequent blood sugar fluctuations stimulate appetite and make it difficult to control calorie intake.

Risk of Weight Gain from Excessive Biscuit Consumption

Consuming large quantities of high-calorie biscuits like Parle G on a daily basis invariably results in weight gain. When more calories are consumed than burned through physical activity and basic metabolic processes, the excess calories get stored as fat in the body. Just 100 grams of Parle G biscuits, which is about 6-8 biscuits, provides close to 400 calories. Eating even one or two extra packs per day beyond one’s calorie needs can lead to a significant surplus over weeks and months. This sustained calorie overload promotes steady fat accumulation and overweight/obesity.

Balancing Biscuit Intake with Physical Activity

Eating Parle G biscuits in moderation as part of a balanced diet does not necessarily cause harm. However, overreliance on calorie-dense biscuits for meals without maintaining an active lifestyle can disturb calorie-nutrient balance. It is important to match daily calorie intake from all food sources with sufficient physical activity for health and weight control. Even consuming Parle G biscuits in greater quantities than required may not lead to negative consequences if excess calories are burned through daily exercise and activity. A sedentary routine coupled with excessive biscuit consumption dramatically increases the risk of overweight issues over the long run.

Portion Control and Whole Food Alternatives

While an occasional pack of Parle G biscuits as a snack is unlikely to be problematic, making them a staple food on a daily basis is not advisable. Biscuits are highly processed and calorie-dense without significant nutrients compared to whole foods. It is better to control portion size of Parle G biscuits and combine them with nutritious options like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses and dairy as part of balanced meals. Affordable whole foods provide ample nutrition and fiber to feel full for longer, preventing overeating and subsequent weight gain risks associated with a biscuit-heavy diet.


In moderation as an occasional snack or crisis food when needed, Parle G biscuits pose no health risks. However, relying on them as a staple with little variety or physical activity on a daily basis increases chances of weight issues due to excessive calorie intake over time. It is advisable to watch portion sizes of calorie-dense biscuits and opt for wholesome alternatives as the major sources of nutrition as far as possible. Maintaining an active lifestyle and overall calorie-nutrient balance is key to sustaining health, even while including Parle G biscuits in the diet. Is Eating Parle G Biscuits Daily Harmful? A Detailed Analysis

Written by Sal Follow
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