
An Unforgettable Journey to Discover Saudi Arabia

Sal Sal Follow Nov 19, 2023 · 4 mins read
An Unforgettable Journey to Discover Saudi Arabia
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Introducing the Fascinating Culture

Saudi Arabia is home to a rich culture with deep traditions and values of generosity and hospitality. During my two years working in the country’s oil fields, I gained a newfound appreciation and understanding of the Saudi people. While the cultural differences were initially jarring, over time I learned to see past superficial variances and connect with locals on a human level. The relationships I formed helped me realize we all fundamentally desire the same things - connection, meaning, and purpose - regardless of where we come from. Some of my most memorable interactions occurred spontaneously. One day while walking through a market, I noticed books had been altered using markers to cover parts deemed inappropriate. Curious, I examined them closer and saw intricate hand-drawn edits covering female figures. Though foreign to me, I came to understand such modesty serves an important cultural function. Interactions like these taught me not to judge hastily but seek first to understand different perspectives.

Exploring Untouched Natural Wonders

Beyond fascinating people and traditions, Saudi Arabia offers pristine natural landscapes left largely undiscovered. Spread across much of Western Europe, its vast land contains pockets of pure beauty waiting to be explored. One particularly awe-inspiring region is the country’s southwest, home to the black sand hills and striking volcanic mountains of Hail and Al-‘Ayn. Wandering across kilometers of smooth ebony sand dunes dusted with pebbles of shiny obsidian is a surreal experience. The remote valleys and peaks in this area also deserve more attention from intrepid travelers.

Experiencing True Arabian Hospitality

Nowhere is Saudi hospitality more apparent than in their treatment of guests. During my time working in the oil fields, I found myself in peril one morning as strong currents threatened to sweep me away while diving. Luckily, a group of workers noticed my struggle and effortlessly pulled me to safety with linked ropes. United as one, they demonstrated the deep communal values Saudis possess when faced with helping others. I am forever grateful for their selfless act, which still brings me joy to recall today. Later, whenever visiting people’s homes or enjoying meals out, I was continually impressed by how generously and frequently food and drinks were offered. Saudis take tremendous pride in ensuring guests leave fully satisfied, having consumed mountains of dates alongside brews of aromatic Arabic coffee. Their devotion to making outsiders feel welcome through lavish acts of service is a hallmark of the culture I aim to experience again one day.

Discovering Thrills in the Vast Empty Quarter

Beyond cultural immersion and natural wonders, Saudi also caters to thrill-seekers craving adventure. One of the most epic places for this is Rub’ al Khali, the world’s largest continuous sand desert also known as the Empty Quarter. Stretching across Saudi Arabia, Oman, Yemen and the UAE, its desolation is staggering. Yet for the intrepid, it offers unparalleled opportunities for multi-day camping, dune bashing and getting lost in nature’s unrelenting beauty. Few sights can match sunrise illuminating never-ending amber dunes as far as the eye can see. Braving this forbidding landscape helped me appreciate humanity’s smallness against the grandeur of our planet.

Appreciating the Complexities of a Evolving Kingdom

My time in Saudi provided glimpses into a society undergoing rapid change yet clinging tightly to heritage. Visiting modern cities like Dhahran revealed skyscrapers, malls and technologies on par with global standards of development. Meanwhile, cultural strongholds like the mudbrick homes of Qassim conveyed the importance of preserving historical roots. Navigating this delicate balance will define Saudi Arabia’s future, and tourists can play a role in supporting progress alongside tradition. Though aspects remain works in progress, overall the kingdom appears dedicated to constructive reform that uplifts both citizens and welcomes respectful outsiders. This creates hope its untapped wonders will soon be appreciated by global travelers.

Returning with Deeper Gratitude and Understanding

My formative years in Saudi Arabia shaped me profoundly, opening my eyes to new perspectives that still broaden my worldview today. While cultural differences initially challenged, over time I learned we all fundamentally desire togetherness. Memories of the generosity shown by strangers during vulnerable moments remain deeply cherished. Most of all, I carry appreciation for a land of contrasts - one embracing change yet honoring what defines it. Its welcoming people, raw natural panoramas and historical treasures deserve international recognition. Someday I hope to return, further my education and express gratitude for lessons that made me more empathetic, curious and alive. An Unforgettable Journey to Discover Saudi Arabia

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