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A Journey Through Changing China

Sal Sal Follow Nov 06, 2023 · 3 mins read
A Journey Through Changing China
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Billy was excited to go on a camping trip with the local Beijing Cub Scouts. While the boys had fun exploring the great outdoors, the parents’ night was far less peaceful due to the noisy disturbances keeping them awake. The next day, Billy’s father asked the other parents how their night had gone. To his surprise, it wasn’t foxes howling that disrupted their sleep, but rather the sound of continuous police car chases from a nearby invisible TV studio shooting all night.

A Driver’s Kind Gesture

During a visit to a remote Chinese city, Billy’s driver offered to take him to meet his brother at work. Though a little suspicious of the slightly shifty look the driver gave, Billy decided to go along. When they stepped out of the elevator, Billy was shocked to find a large banner and bouquet welcoming him. It turned out the driver’s brother had organized a surprise for the honored guest. Billy was given a tour of the facility and a parting gift on his way. Though caught off guard, Billy was touched by the unexpected warm hospitality.

A Secret Underground World

While exploring sites around Beijing, Billy happened upon an astonishing discovery below the Marriott hotel. Past the kitchens and service areas, an open door revealed a stunning five-story underground film set. He learned it was formerly part of Chairman Mao’s secret underground complex. Billy was fascinated getting a glimpse of this little-known hidden world beneath the bustling city streets.

A Tiger Sanctuary in the Freezing Cold

During a winter trip to the frigid city of Harbin, Billy visited a local tiger sanctuary. Despite the bone-chilling negative nineteen degrees Celsius temperature, the tigers seemed completely unfazed, lounging around and occasionally engaging in some dry humping. While an attendant tried pushing the idea of throwing a live chicken or even cow into the enclosures for entertainment, Billy wisely declined, concerned for the animals’ welfare in such harsh conditions.

A Grave Scene of Violence

Billy’s father recalled a traumatic event from his youth that left a deep impression. One day, he witnessed a violent altercation between a young watermelon seller and a customer arguing over price. In a fit of rage, the seller stabbed the man repeatedly in the stomach with his knife. As the injured party cried for help, a patrol car drove by but sped away without stopping to aid the dying man. By the time an ambulance finally arrived after long delays, it was too late to save him. Such brutal violence and lack of timely response from authorities was all too common in China during those turbulent times.

Progress Through Challenges

Having grown up in rural New Hampshire but now living in China for several years, Billy’s father had a unique perspective on China’s development. While many foreign perceptions of the country came from skewed Western media portrayals, actually visiting gave a far more accurate view beyond the headlines. Through persevering through immense social and economic difficulties, Chinese society had indubitably progressed in significant ways since those traumatic early 1990s, especially regarding safety, order and humanitarian values. While continuing to confront new challenges, China’s steady transformation offered hope that positive change was indeed possible.

An Open Invitation

In concluding his tale, Billy’s father extended an invitation for anyone with preconceived notions about China shaped by distant coverage to experience it firsthand. A personal visit was the sole way to truly understand contemporary Chinese reality beyond simplified overseas narratives. While outsiders will always question his objectivity as a potential American or Chinese government “shill”, direct exposure was the sole path to recognizing the deeper complexities beyond any singular perspective. With an open and discerning mind, one could gain profound new insights into Chinese society as well as the motivations of international reporting. A Journey Through Changing China

Written by Sal Follow
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