
Important Safety Tips for Your Trip to Casablanca, Morocco

Sal Sal Follow Oct 27, 2023 · 4 mins read
Important Safety Tips for Your Trip to Casablanca, Morocco
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Minding Your Belongings

When traveling in any busy city, it’s important to be cautious with your personal belongings. In Casablanca, pickpocketing and theft are common, so be vigilant in crowded areas. Try to keep your luggage, phone, wallet, and other valuables close to your body at all times. Consider using a cross-body bag or secured pockets instead of carrying a purse or backpack that could easily be snatched. While Casablanca is generally safe, being extra careful with your things can help prevent unwanted incidents from occurring during your visit.

Using Technology Discreetly

Mobile phones and other electronic devices are prime targets for thieves in Casablanca. Only use your phone when necessary in public spaces, and avoid using it in dimly lit or isolated areas where you could be more easily targeted. Opt to make calls and send messages in well-trafficked and well-lit locations if possible. For added security, consider installing tracking applications on your devices in case one gets stolen. Keep phones and computers out of sight as much as you’re able to so as not to attract unwanted attention on the street or public transportation. Staying alert and discreet can help keep your tech secure.

Respecting Local Customs and Traditions

Morocco is a Muslim country, so respecting cultural norms and traditions will help you have a positive experience. Dress conservatively, especially in religious areas - women should cover shoulders and knees. Also avoid public displays of affection that could offend local sensibilities. During Ramadan, be respectful of those fasting by refraining from eating or drinking in front of others. Learning about and adhering to local customs shows respect for the culture and helps tourists avoid discomfort or problems.

Using Caution Around Beggars

Casablanca has many people begging on the streets, which can be unsettling for visitors unfamiliar with it. The best approach is not to make direct eye contact or stop walking, as this may attract multiple beggars. A polite nod acknowledges their presence without encouragement. If you do wish to help, give discreetly to avoid drawing crowds. Try not to show a lot of money when interacting with beggars to deter potential theft. Keep interactions brief but courteous to stay safe.

Parking Securely

When parking your vehicle, even temporarily, pay the small fee required by attendants in uniform. These attendants provide security, but will also expect compensation. It’s better to simply pay the nominal fees than argue and potentially cause a scene. Keep change handy so you aren’t fumbling for bills that could attract thieves. Use official car parks and garages where available for extra reassurance that your vehicle will remain safe and secure while you explore the city.

Staying Vigilant at Night

Like many big cities, some areas of Casablanca are best avoided after dark for safety reasons. Locals will be able to advise you on neighborhoods to steer clear of, especially if alone, at nighttime hours. Opt for well-populated routes and means of transportation once the sun goes down. Having situational awareness and attentiveness helps prevent danger. Consider exploring the city by day and returning to livelier zones or your lodging before night falls if visiting alone. Safety should always be the top priority for tourists.

Maintaining Caution Around Strangers

While most people in Casablanca are helpful and honest, maintaining a degree of caution around strangers is advised. Be skeptical of unsolicited offers of “help” that expect payment, especially from those approaching you in isolated areas. Scammers do exist. If assistance is needed though, locals will readily lend a hand without expecting anything in return. When in doubt, exercise discretion and don’t feel pressured to part with money if uncomfortable with the situation. Prioritize your instincts and well-being above all else during interactions.

Getting Help if Needed

Though minor precautions go a long way, emergencies may still arise when visiting a new place. Casablanca residents genuinely care about visitor safety and will rush to assist anyone in distress. If you do face an unsafe circumstance, don’t hesitate to yell or seek the first people you see for help. As a general rule, have the phone numbers for your embassy and local police programmed in case of an emergency. With some vigilance and using common sense, your trip to Casablanca can be remarkably safe and smooth. Important Safety Tips for Your Trip to Casablanca, Morocco

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