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Uncovering the Truth: The Story of Lal Bahadur Shastri's Mysterious Death

Sal Sal Follow Oct 25, 2023 · 4 mins read
Uncovering the Truth: The Story of Lal Bahadur Shastri's Mysterious Death
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The Beginning of the Investigation

It was a late night when the young reporter finally emerged from the theatre after watching the movie ‘The Tashkent Files’. Inspired by the film’s attempt to uncover the truth about India’s second Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri’s death, she decided to look deeper into this mysterious case. She began her research and came across several interesting facts and conspiracy theories surrounding Shastri ji’s demise. Intrigued, she decided to publish her findings.

Unanswered Questions

Her well-researched article raising questions about the official narrative of Shastri ji’s death created a stir. The government was pressured to set up a committee to investigate this matter further. The reporter who had initiated this debate was also made a member. This marked the beginning of her journey to uncover the closely guarded secrets and uncover the truth.

Piecing Together the Clues

As a member of the investigative committee, the reporter began collecting evidence and statements from various people associated with the case.

Insights from the Family

She recorded interviews of Shastri ji’s son and grandson who shared their suspicions and doubts about the official cause of death. They questioned why no post-mortem was conducted despite Shastri ji dying under mysterious circumstances in a foreign land.

Contradicting Medical Reports

The reporter obtained different medical reports on Shastri ji’s health in Tashkent. She found contradictions and gaps that raised reasonable doubts about the narrative of his death due to heart attack. If he was already unwell, why was he sent alone to negotiate with the Pakistanis?

Missing Documentation

Her search for flight logs, communication records and autopsy report from the day drew a blank. Several documents related to the case went mysteriously missing, raising suspicions about a possible cover-up.

Piecing the Geopolitical Puzzle

As she delved deeper, the reporter realized there were important geopolitical factors at play which needed to be considered.

India’s Race for Nuclear Development

Shastri ji was aggressively pursuing India’s nuclear programme and had vowed to make the country a nuclear power within a few years. Was this a motive for his elimination?

Rival Superpowers

At the peak of the Cold War, both US and USSR were trying to woo India and influence its geostrategic decisions. As Shastri ji leaned towards the latter, did the former see him as a threat to their interests?

Threat to Internal Power Dynamics

Many historians believe Shastri ji was personally becoming more popular than Indira Gandhi who wanted to take over the top post. Did some plot his removal to pave the way for her rise?

Piecing Together the Clues

Slowly, the myriad pieces of the puzzle started falling into place as the committee’s investigation progressed further.

A KGB Mole is Exposed

In a huge breakthrough, an Indian intelligence officer working for the KGB was uncovered, throwing light on the shocking level of Soviet penetration.

The Mitrokhin Archives

The recently published volumes from a high-ranking KGB defector revealed large-scale operation and funding of Indian political parties and leaders by the USSR.

An International Conspiracy Unfolds

When seen through this new lens of foreign interference, Shastri ji’s demise appeared to be part of a well-crafted conspiracy hatched by external forces keen to influence India’s trajectory.

The Uncovering of Hard Truths

As the committee’s proceedings reached the final stages, some gut-wrenching revelations emerged exposing the dark underbelly of power dynamics and politics of that era.

Foreign Hand in Domestic Turmoil

It became clear how foreign spy agencies had successfully fomented unrest and regime changes in India by co-opting pliant local leaders.

An Atomic Ambition Thwarted

Shastri ji’s resolute dream to make India a nuclear state and his rising clout were perceived as threats by competing global powers who wanted the young nation under their sphere of influence.

A Puppet Government Installed

The committee concluded that Shastri ji’s sudden death undid the obstacles in the way of a more pliant leader being sworn in, thus allowing foreign meddling to continue unabated. The reporter had unearthed many bitter truths that most were unwilling to accept. Her investigative journalism shone much-needed light on this murky chapter of independent India’s history. Though many questions still remain, the mystery surrounding Shastri ji’s demise was substantially resolved. Uncovering the Truth: The Story of Lal Bahadur Shastri's Mysterious Death

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