
A Guide to Safe and Vibrant Neighbourhoods in Harare, Zimbabwe

Sal Sal Follow Oct 20, 2023 · 2 mins read
A Guide to Safe and Vibrant Neighbourhoods in Harare, Zimbabwe
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Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe, offers residents a variety of neighbourhoods to choose from. However, with rising crime and economic challenges, safety is a top priority for many. This guide provides an overview of Harare’s neighbourhoods and their characteristics to help you find an area that suits your lifestyle and security needs.

Assessing the Current State

Harare is facing struggles as the economic situation has deteriorated in recent years. Most low-income areas are dealing with high unemployment, lack of basic services, and increasing criminal activity. Neighbourhoods like Epworth, Mbare, Mufakose and parts of Dzivarasekwa unfortunately fall into this category due to unhygienic conditions, prostitution, and rampant crime. While visiting cultural hubs like Mbare can provide a true city experience, extra vigilance is required due to bold criminal elements frequenting the area.

Safer Options in the North

For a quieter life, look to Harare’s northern suburbs. The areas north of Samora Machel tend to be lower crime options with leafy streets and high walls providing security. Neighbourhoods like Avondale, Mount Pleasant, and Greendale offer safe, suburban vibes ideal for families. Infrastructure and services are generally better maintained in these areas as well.

Vibrant South Side Communities

While the southern areas of Samora Machel struggle more with crime overall, some communities still foster a strong sense of community. Neighbourhoods further afield like Glen Norah and Mufakose (outside the main commercial centre) can provide affordable housing amidst ** neighbourly friendships** despite lacking perfect infrastructure. For a more lively urban experience, these areas may be worth considering if extra vigilance is taken.

Upmarket Enclaves in the North and West

For those seeking high-end housing in secure, established areas, look to northern and western suburbs. Greystone Park, Borrowdale Brooke and Madokero Estates are desirable options with gated estates and well-maintained infrastructure catering to professionals and expatriates. Proximity to business hubs also makes these locations convenient, though correspondingly more expensive than other parts of the city.

Safer Central City Options

While downtown Harare presents safety concerns in some spots, there are still central locations that maintain qualities of older, established areas. The Avondale and Mount Pleasant suburbs nestled amidst greenery provide charming, historic housing in safer central city enclaves. With tree-lined streets and proximity to amenities, these areas offer a good balance of security, charm and practicality.

Overall Tips for Finding the Right Fit

In conclusion, carefully researching specific neighbourhood dynamics is key to finding an area that meets your security, affordability and lifestyle needs. While generalizations provide context, each enclave has safer pockets as well as less secure spots. Seeing locations at different times and soliciting local insights can help identify where you and your family will thrive long-term amidst Harare’s current circumstances. With diligence, there are still quality living options to be found across the vibrant city. A Guide to Safe and Vibrant Neighbourhoods in Harare, Zimbabwe

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