
My Experience Studying at a Top Chinese High School

Sal Sal Follow Oct 17, 2023 · 5 mins read
My Experience Studying at a Top Chinese High School
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Reconnecting with My Roots and Learning Mandarin

I have always wanted to reconnect with my Chinese roots and perfect my Mandarin skills. While international schools in China focus more on an American curriculum and Chinese classes are treated as secondary languages, regular Chinese high schools immerse students fully in the local language and culture. This type of full immersion is exactly what I need to achieve my goal. A city that is well-known for its outstanding educational system is Hengshui in Hebei province. Schools there serve as models for other cities in China. One top school, Hengshui No. 2 Middle School, has a reputation for strict discipline though the learning outcomes are excellent. Despite only attending for one year, I was able to make significant improvements in my Chinese abilities due to the school’s full mandarin Chinese immersion approach.

A Typical School Day with Early Mornings and Late Nights

The daily schedule at Hengshui No. 2 Middle School was intensive, starting early at 5:30am and often not ending until past 10pm. We had only 10 minutes each morning to tidy our dorm rooms, wash up, and line up in the playground for morning exercises. Strict rules were in place and any who were disorganized or fell out of line would be punished. Our days consisted of academic lessons from 7am to 10pm, with additional study sessions required in the evenings. Physical exercise was also a big part of each day, with 800 meter runs split throughout the schedule. Mealtimes were short, often requiring us to take turns buying food so some students barely had time to eat. This pace continued all week long, with additional sessions on Saturdays, to thoroughly prepare us for the high-pressure gaokao exams. While tiring, it achieved outstanding results through its intense focus on learning.

Sacrificing Free Time for Academic Excellence

At Hengshui No. 2 Middle School, students had almost no free time. We were kept busy from early morning until late at night with strict schedules packed full of lessons, homework, exercise and additional self-study. Even small breaks like mealtimes were tightly controlled. Sleep was limited too, as we often had to finish physical training or other tasks before being allowed to rest at night. On the surface this heavy workload seems excessive, but the school’s stellar reputation proved it worked. Top Chinese universities routinely recruited many graduates each year thanks to their exemplary gaokao scores. While socially and physically draining, the school’s laser focus on academics through almost round-the-clock immersion achieved its goal of optimum learning outcomes. For students wanting only the best preparation for China’s competitive university entrance system, it was considered worth the sacrifice.

Adopting Strict Discipline to Foster Concentrated Learning

Maintaining order and discipline was paramount. Every action, from morning exercises to movement between classes, was tightly choreographed. Individualism was suppressed in favor of cohesion and uniformity. Teachers policed students relentlessly for any lapses, imposing punishments as needed to reinforce obedience. On the surface, such regimented control seemed excessively authoritarian. However, it cultivated an environment exceptionally conducive to learning. Distractions and wasted time were eliminated, allowing students to dedicate full focus to their studies. Independent and critical thinking wasn’t encouraged, but the system optimized students’ preparation through concentrated immersion and repetition of material. For those hoping to secure admission to China’s top-tier universities, it was believed the benefits of the militaristic approach outweighed the costs to personal freedom or development during the critical high school years. Mastering the gaokao exam took center stage above all else.

Gaining Valuable Life Skills Despite the Pressures

While the unremitting workload presented ongoing challenges, attending Hengshui No. 2 Middle School also equipped me with valuable life skills. Adapting to tight schedules and maintaining calm under intense pressure prepared me well for university and career demands. Teamwork and discipline were ingrained through rigorous group activities from morning exercises to learning collaborations after class. Communicating effectively in Mandarin Chinese improved greatly as well. One year of total submersion boosted my language abilities exponentially compared to part-time study. Interacting constantly in an academic setting using proper terminology helped integrate academic Chinese vocabulary into daily use. Overall, the difficulties of attending this top Chinese high school built character. While socially restrictive, the school’s results spoke for themselves in placing countless graduates at China’s elite colleges and universities. For students dedicated to academic excellence above all else, it remained the optimal choice despite its unforgiving demands.

Reflecting on Overall Experience and Achieving Goals

Looking back, attending Hengshui No. 2 Middle School achieved my goals of reconnecting with Chinese culture and perfecting my Mandarin abilities through intensive immersion. One year provided life-changing benefits that part-time language courses could not match. While the excessive workload tested mental and physical limits, it exemplified China’s focus on merit-based achievement.
The school’s stringent discipline did effectively optimize learning conditions for academics-driven students. Top universities took notice, providing graduates with opportunities normally unavailable. Overall, the challenges built valuable life skills and stamina despite limiting personal development aspects. For overseas Chinese wanting to reintegrate or those aiming solely for elite university admission, such schools deliver outstanding educational outcomes though sacrifice free time. While intense, total submersion remains the most productive path for mastering Mandarin and excelling on China’s university entrance exams under tremendous pressure and competition. I achieved my goals and have no regrets after overcoming the demanding curriculum. My Experience Studying at a Top Chinese High School

Written by Sal Follow
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