
A Traveler's Guide to Exploring Cairo, Egypt

Sal Sal Follow Oct 10, 2023 · 4 mins read
A Traveler's Guide to Exploring Cairo, Egypt
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Safety Tips for Visiting Cairo

Here are some tips to stay safe while visiting Cairo, Egypt’s vibrant capital city.

Dress Appropriately

While Egypt is generally very welcoming to foreign visitors, it’s a conservative Muslim society. To avoid unwanted attention in some areas, dress modestly - opt for pants or long skirts instead of shorts, and avoid low-cut tops. Loose, lightweight fabrics are best for coping with Cairo’s hot climate. Keep expensive jewelry and flashy accessories at home or out of sight. Dressing respectfully helps you attract less attention and blend in.

Stay in Groups in Tourist Areas

Some heavily touristed sites like the Great Pyramids of Giza can attract persistent souvenir sellers and guides. To avoid hassle, stick close to your travel group or hire an accredited guide. Tour operators also offer security - they know which areas are safe and how to politely deflect unwanted attention. Walking alone makes you a potential target for scams or harassment, no matter your gender.

Only Use Licensed Money Changers

Ignore street money changers and only exchange cash at licensed money exchange offices found around Cairo, especially in major hotels. They offer fair exchange rates without risk of getting scammed. Also have some small bills to break large notes if needed.

Plan Your Itinerary in Advance

With some planning, you can enjoy Cairo safely on your own. Use this guide to help you map out top attractions to visit based on your interests like ancient Egyptian history, Islamic architecture or evening entertainment. Book any activities requiring guides or contexts in good time. Flexibility is still wise in case of disruptions.

Budget Appropriately for Expenses

A daily budget of $75-100 USD will cover moderate lodging, local transport, meals and entry fees during your Cairo visit. Note prices may fluctuate. Save money by eating authentic Egyptian street food instead of pricier tourist restaurants. Tipping is expected and rates are reasonable, so bring some small bills.

Top Things to See and Do in Cairo

Egyptian Museum

Home to the world’s greatest collection of Pharaonic antiquities, including treasures from King Tut’s tomb. Spend at least 2 hours exploring its labyrinthine galleries housing over 120,000 artifacts from Egypt’s rich past.

Pyramids of Giza

Marvel at the only surviving Wonder of the Ancient World. Ride a camel for panoramic views or climb inside the Great Pyramid itself. Watch the sunset dramatically color the pyramids against the desert sky.

Khan El-Khalili Bazaar

Lose yourself in this medieval labyrinth of alleys crammed with over 500 years of history. Browse for souvenirs from spices and jewelry to traditional crafts while experiencing the sights and sounds of daily bustling market life.

Cairo Tower

Take the elevator up 180 meters for breathtaking 360-degree views of the entire megalopolis from Africa’s tallest freestanding structure. Point out landmarks and plan your next explorations from above.

River Nile Cruise

Take a sunset felucca ride on a traditional painted wooden sail boat for leisurely views of the river flanked by lush green countryside. It’s the most relaxing way to see daily life unfolding along the Nile banks.

Islamic Cairo

Explore a genuine medieval city within a city. Highlights include the mammoth Al-Azhar Mosque, revered hanging water tanks at Bab Zuweila gate and elegant Mamluk monuments. Walk cobblestone lanes flanked by shops, schools and mosques.

Mohammad Ali Citadel

Walk through seven hundred years of history at this mountaintop fortress. Admire panoramic vistas and intricate tiles while learning how it developed as a center of early modern Egypt under Mohammad Ali dynasty’s rule.

Beyond Cairo - Other Egyptian Destinations

With just a few days more, you can experience diverse Egyptian culture beyond the capital:


Marvel at exquisitely carved temples, colorfully painted tombs and the mighty Colossi of Memnon on the West Bank. Cross the Nile to Luxor Temple’s pink granite columns and Avenue of the Sphinxes.


Ride a boat to serenely beautiful Kitchener Island for botanical gardens. Watch sunsets color the sandstone cliffs of the First Cataract from a Nubian village on Elephantine Island.


Explore Egypt’s Mediterranean coast and second largest city founded by Alexander the Great. Wander its atmospheric Corniche promenade and catacombs under the Bibliotheca Alexandrina museum.

Hurghada and Red Sea Coast

Frolic in turquoise waters teeming with coral and marine life just off Egypt’s eastern desert coast. Learn to dive or simply sunbathe along powdery beaches stretching as far as the eye can see.

White Desert and Black Desert

Experience mesmerizing natural sculptures in starkly haunting otherworldly landscapes within Egypt’s Western Desert interior. Overnight camping introduces you to Bedouin culture.

Final Thoughts for Traveling Safely in Cairo

With a bit of preparation and local knowledge, Cairo can be explored safely and affordably. Stick to busy main streets during daylight and book accredited guides or tours for unfamiliar areas like Islamic Cairo at any time. Master a few words in Arabic and be vigilant of your belongings in crowded areas. Most importantly, remember that Egyptians are very hospitable - smile, observe their customs and find ways to politely interact with locals for the richest cultural immersion during your visit here. A Traveler's Guide to Exploring Cairo, Egypt

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